Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

It is caused by head trauma as a result of a car accident or other traumatic injury. Brain conditions that cause damage to the brain, such as brain tumors or strokes, can cause epilepsy. Stroke is a leading cause of epilepsy in adults older than age 35.

An epileptic seizure is a brief episode of signs or symptoms due to abnormally excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. The outward effect can vary from uncontrolled jerking movement (tonic-clonic seizure) to as subtle as a momentary loss of awareness (absence seizure).

Epilepsy comes in with a lot of misconceptions because everyone has a belief of their own  about epilepsy.

Here are some of the most common myths alongside with their facts;

People believe that  seizures are always medical emergencies and you should call 911.

Well, seizures are most often not medical emergencies and an ambulance is not always required. You should call 911, however, if: a seizure lasts five minutes or longer or repeats one after another without the person regaining consciousness in-between; it is someone’s first seizure; the person is injured during the seizure (through a fall, for example); the seizure happens in water; or the person is pregnant or has diabetes.

Epilepsy is a curse of the Gods

Epilepsy has nothing to do with curses,possession,or other supernatural processes such as punishment for past sins like some cultures still believe.Epilepsy organizations are working hard to educate all people that epilepsy is a medical condition just like asthma and high blood pressure.

Epilepsy is a life long disorder

Generally, people with epilepsy have seizures and require medication for only a small part of their lives .About 60% of people who develop seizures have epilepsy that can be easily controlled and is likely to go away.

Epilepsy is contagious.

You can’t contract  epilepsy from another person because it is a disorder.

Only kids get epilepsy.

Epilepsy happens to people over age 65 almost as often as it does to children age 10 and under. Seizures in the elderly are often the after effect of other health problems like stroke and heart disease.

People with epilepsy are disabled and can’t work.

People with epilepsy have the same range of abilities and intelligence as the rest of us. Some have severe seizures and cannot work; others are successful and productive in challenging careers.

People with epilepsy on average have the same level of intelligence as those without epilepsy. Learning can be made more difficult if seizures are frequent, or if medication has very pronounced side effects, such as causing drowsiness and excessive fatigue. However, epilepsy typically does not cause lower intelligence.

People with epilepsy shouldn’t be in jobs of responsibility and stress.

People with seizure disorders are found in all walks of life and at all levels in business,  and other professions. We aren’t always aware of them because many people, even today, do not talk about having epilepsy for fear of what others might think.

One is born with epilepsy.

That’s not really how it is.The cause is genetic.Anyone can develop epilepsy at any time. Some people are born with it, whereas others have their very first seizure in middle age. While genetics can play a factor, there are other more common causes of epilepsy, such as head trauma, brain tumour or lesion and stroke. In most cases’about 65 to 70 percent’the cause of epilepsy is not known.

How to Care of Someone Having a Seizure:

The care of someone with epilepsy varies depending on the frequency and type of seizures. It is important for the person to take anticonvulsant medication regularly to prevent seizures.

The Do’s:

1)Cushion the person’s head.

2)Loosen any tight neckwear,belt or any other tight clothing.

3)Turn the person on his or her side to keep the airway open.

4)When the seizure is over,turn them on their side to prevent choking.

5)Do not hold the person down or restrain the person.

6)Protect from injury by moving sharp objects away from the person.

7)Observe seizure characteristics — length, type of movements, direction of head or eye turning. These characteristics may help the doctor diagnose the type of seizure.

8)Seizures need emergency care unless you know the person has a history of seizures and can be treated for a brief seizure at home.

The Don’ts:

1)Do not crowd around the patient.

2)Do not restrict convulsive movements as it may cause fracture.

3)Do not panic or be afraid.

4)Do not insert a spoon or any such things into the mouth.

5)Do not give water or any other liquid till the person is fully conscious.

6)Do not place anything in the mouth or try to pry the teeth apart. The person is not in danger of swallowing his or her tongue.

Post Credit : Kandi Mchemi

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