Witnessing your child getting a seizure is very traumatic. It’s one of those experiences you rarely get used to. Unfortunately with epilepsy, you have to deal with seizures.

When we hear of seizures most of us think of the involuntary muscle jerking of the entire body (generalized seizure) however seizures manifest in other various ways. These include: staring spells, twitching of eyelids or other body parts even may be repeated automatic movements like clapping of hands,  rubbing of hands, lip smacking, chewing or running. As you have noticed some of these symptoms are not easily detectable especially in children. If the child may be having epilepsy the symptoms will be recurrent therefore easily noticeable. Nevertheless don’t jump into any conclusion until you’ve got a doctor’s diagnosis.

Two very important things when dealing with epilepsy are medication and safety. The medication is to control the occurrence of the seizures and if taken correctly there is a chance your child may become seizure free. I think the safety part is self-explanatory. As a parent you have to ensure your child is safe. You especially have to be extra cautious if they are epileptic. A seizure can occur at any place or any time. Sometimes your child may want to do something that their friends are doing but you think it’s risky. That’s where you get between a rock and a hard place.

Speaking as a person battling epilepsy, during the times I have been seizure free for a while I tend to forget about my safety but am grateful to have people around me who always keep me in check. I might get mad but at the end of the day it’s for my own good. So when ensuring the safety of your child don’t think of it as restriction since it is the best way you can take care of them. Also try as early as possible to ensure they understand their condition and the measures needed to be taken to ensure their overall health.

Safety is not just about the physical environment but also staying away from triggers of a seizure. For instance, when am exposed to a lot of noise there is a high chance I might get a seizure so I try as much as possible to avoid noisy places. It takes some time to learn one’s triggers so it is advisable to always note down the events that occur just before getting a seizures. Don’t expect your child to have exactly the same triggers as another child with epilepsy. Some of the common triggers to look out for include are emotional disturbance, flickering light, some drugs, fatigue or sleep deprivation.

Lastly, your child needs your full support as they battle this condition. Always stay positive.