Homework is one of the things that would stress me as a child. I would not understand why we would simply not leave school work back at school. This is common with most our children at home. I have had encounters with parents whose children hide their homework from them. It is very heartbreaking when they are called in by the teachers, only to learn that their children have not been doing their homework for a whole term.

Does your child’s school give them a diary? If they give one, you should ensure that you sign it every single evening before they sleep. This is important as the child will not have any leverage to sign for themselves without doing their homework.

Create a culture at home where you have to look at your child’s books every evening. Let them tell you what they learnt that day and also go through their home work with them. This will create a channel for them to ask you any questions that may be challenging them.

Have a section of your house where they can do their homework comfortably. The distractions they might have in the evenings might keep them from doing their assignments. You can have a study room that is conducive for studying or simply create some space in one of the bedrooms.

Sunday evenings can be nerve-racking. Have you ever come back from dinner on a Sunday evening only to realize that your child has not done any of their homework from three subjects? I know how it feels. You want to pull hair from your head. This can be sorted out if you let your children do their homework on Saturday morning after resting on Friday after school. This gives them enough time to rest during the weekend.

Make homework time fun. Do not create any tension around them that would make them dread that moment. Give them an easy time and probably let them have snacks after that. That way, they will not have a single reason not to do their work.

I hope this helps. Leave a comment below.

Lots of Love,

Photo credits  : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews

Ruguru Kimani.