When you start something, you need to know the rules. Blogging on parenting for me has been one of the best decisions that I consciously made. At times inspiration gets out of the window, and that is when I don’t write. I do not feed my readers with anything, just what I have researched on and I believe will make an impact on someone’s life. Sitting behind my computer. Watching the numbers rise and reading your comments lifts my spirit. Thank you for that, you are an amazing community.

For me child health and care is Paramount. The kinds of adults that we see walking around today stem from the kind of parenting that they had. If we want to change the world, let us shape our children. This constantly gives me the drive to keep going on. To keep sitting down behind my computer each and every day.

To good news, we have expanded to a YouTube channel. If you like reading my content, you can now watch me speak lots of knowledge on this field! I don’t want to constantly bore you with tonnes of text. Here is a link to my last video https://youtu.be/Wkub4FIwoUM. And don’t forget to subscribe!

A short note to you. You have this crazy idea in your head? Start today! With what you have. Don’t forget to be an amazing parent, caregiver, doctor, nurse, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle and friend to the children in your life.

Lots of Love,

Ruguru Kimani.